AftabRad Revit Add-in -> Export To Radiance -> Type of Sky/Analysis: Shadow Range

This tutorial shows how to create a Shadow Range analysis image for a selected Revit view.

Here in this add-in, this analysis is based on defining a period from sunrise to sunset for a specific day. Therefore, we need to choose a date to do such an analysis.

Anyway, as an example to produce a Shadow Range analysis image for one of the existing Revit views in the model, we should do the following steps.

1-      Press ExportToRadiance button in the AftabRad Add-in

2-      Select Shadow Range in the Type of Sky/Analysis

3-      When choosing the Shadow Range as the type of analysis, we need to define a date

4-      Press Rif Settings button to open the Rif Setting page to define:

a.       The 3D views that you want to include when exporting the model into Radiance. (Here, we will define on which views we want to do the export to Radiance function.

However later we will come back to this page and asked to choose only one view to do the Shadow Range study)

b.       Image Quality, Model Detail, and Light Variability

c.       Image Resolution

d.       Calculation Type (luminance/radiance or illuminance/irradiance) (for this calculation it should be illuminance/irradiance)

e.       Indirect Reflection (in this analysis it should be zero)

5-      To create a good view that satisfies our expectations regarding the viewpoint, view direction, horizontal and vertical field (in degree) or width of the view, we can checked the Open Radiance View Panel checkbox.

6-      Be sure that you activate the checkbox next to the Rif Settings button, and press the Do Export2Radiance button.

7-      After pressing the Do Export2Radiance button, we need to specify only one view to continue the Shadow Range image-based analysis.

So the Rif Setting page appears again, but this time we just have one choice of view. By pressing >>> button we can choose the selected view in the 3D Views panels as the main view to continue the calculation.

8-      If you checked the Open Radiance View Panel checkbox, the Radiance View Panel  will be opened.

In this page, we can change all different Radiance parameters of the selected view, and preview the image by pressing >> Preview >> button.

In order to creating a site plan view, we should use Parallel as our choice in the View Type dropdown list.

As soon as we are satisfied with the image, we can save that view parameters by pressing the Save button and then we can press Continue to continue the export to Radiance procedure.

9-      After pressing the Continue button, the calculation process will be started.

10-   Now, it is time to make the image-based analysis. Therefore, the next step is to press the OpenAftabFC Button.

11-   When the FalseColor Analysis page is opened, it automatically opens the File Opening page.

Therefore, here we need to open an HDR file that, in this case, should be the one that is created when the view based Dynamic Daylight Metric calculation (it is Daylight Autonomy if we only specify the Minimum Daylight Requirement in the Dynamic Inputs Form) is finished.

12-   In the FalseColor Analysis Page, by pressing the button that is next to the Normalize button, or using different tonemapping options under the ToneMap menu, we can see the shadow range image better and nicer.

13-   Moreover, on this page, we can make falsecolor images too.

To do a Falsecolor image analysis for a Shadow Range analysis based image, we need to change the Multiple No. (Multiplying Number) to 1.

For example, by changing the Scale value to 16 (as the maximum value in the image), and choosing Custom. Under the Label drop-down list, and writing Hrs as the Label, by pressing the Do FalseColor button, we can create a falsecolor image.

14-   To know more about different functions of FalseColor Analysis Page, you can take a look at this pdf file or this link.