AftabRad Revit Add-in -> Import DAT To Revit: Export as U3D

In this tutorial, we can see how to make a 3D pdf file by exporting the selected calculation results together with selected elements of the model to a U3D file and convert it to a 3D pdf file with the help of a TeX typesetting system based program like MiKTex.

Before starting this tutorial, we need to install the MikTex from the below link:

Then, to create such an 3D pdf file, we should do the following steps.

1-      Press ImportToRevit button in the AftabRad Add-in

2-      Then, by following the tutorials like these:

we can define which type of analysis and how it should be imported into Revit.

3-      In the Data2Revit page, we need to activate the Export as U3D option.

4-      Next it to press the Import button in the main Data2Revit page.

5-      By pressing the Import button in the Data2Revit page, the FalseColor Legend Selection page will be opened.

-          Then, in the part of this page that is shown in the below, you can choose the color palette on which you want to make your falsecolor results to be based.

-          Moreover, other than the calculation results that are going to be shown as falsecoolor, to decide which other 3D objects should be shown in the 3D pdf file,

by activating this checkbox, all the Revit elements that are shown in current view will be exported when creating the U3D file.


Here it is worth to say that, the filtering that is made in the Material by Category page in the Revit2Radiance page (see the below image) is still valid when exporting the elements to U3D file.



However, if the Include Current 3D Elements checkbox is not selected, then with the highlighted buttons in the below image, you can add or remove Radiance Rad files that are going to be

converted as ordinary objects when exporting to a U3D file.


Then, by pressing the Continue button, it starts to create a U3D file that will be later used by MikTex to make a 3D pdf file.


Finally, after pressing the Continue button, a page similar to the one that is shown in the below will be appeared on the screen.


6-      When the calculation is finished…

7-      Then, we should open TeXworks program.


8-      In the TeXworks main page, select pdfLatex


9-      Then go to File -> Open, and under the folder that all other Radiance and calculation files are saved, select the *.tex file.


10-   Then, you should see something like the below:


11-   Finally, by pressing the Typeset button, TeXworks starts to create a 3D pdf file.


12-   When it finishes, a new page like the one in the below should pop up on the screen.


13-   Now, the last step is to close the TeXworks windows and re-open the newly created pdf file with programs like Adobe Acrobat Reader.


As an example, you should create a file like this.